Adult Offender Groups
90 minutes
10 sessions
$50 per session
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Group treatment for adult men who have sexually abused.
Linden Oaks Sexual Abuse Treatment Services is continuing treatment groups for men who have sexually abused others. Sexual abuse is a major problem and addressing these behaviors can stop further abusing, improve emotional adjustment and help support a safe and healthy future.
Group therapy will address the abusing behaviors, improving the behavioral control of the participants, help clients develop a safety and relapse prevention plan, and provide summaries to referring therapists of treatment progress. It is anticipated that clients will already be engaged in supervision and/or treatment and participation in group will be an adjunct to those services.
Group schedule:
- Weekly for 90 minutes of 10 sessions.
Enrollment is limited to 8 participants. The groups will operate for 10 weekly sessions of 90 minutes.
The fee is $50 per session. Referrals and scheduling for screening interview can be made by contacting LOSATS at 585-586-6840.
The fee is $50 per session. Referrals and scheduling for screening interview can be made by contacting LOSATS at 585-586-6840.